Horses spend between 800 to 8400 hours annually enclosed in stables. The environment provided within the stalls is a critical part of successfully running a barn. The type of bedding you pick may significantly affect the horses’ skin and respiratory health.
The primary purpose of equine bedding is to absorb moisture and toxic ammonia. It also provides comfortable cushioning for the horses, which reduces the risk of injury. Stable stewards have access to various horse stall bedding options, including wood flakes, straw, paper, and assorted plant fibers. Wood shavings are the most popular option due to their absorbent and ‘sift-ability’ properties. Here are factors to keep in mind when picking bulk wood flake bedding for horse stalls.
Your horses’ safety and health should be your primary concern when searching for bulk wood flake bedding. You may need to ensure that the material used is free from any toxins. Common hazards include black walnut (toxic), cedar (allergies), maple (toxic). You may also need to watch out for packages with mold, which may result in respiratory hazards.
In the equine world, the bedding serves primarily to absorb urine and moisture. Therefore, you may need a perfect blend of bulk wood flake bedding for horse stalls with incredible absorbent properties. High absorbency material reduces the risk of mold growth. It also reduces the risk of your bedding becoming soggy and heavy during collection and disposal.
Another crucial factor is the amount of wood flake bedding that you require for your stables. Buying the products in bulk can provide cost savings through cheaper landing costs. It also reduces the risk of running out of pine shavings for your horses. However, you may also need to consider the storage options that you have currently in your barn.
Knowing how and where to dispose of the used wood flakes is a crucial feature to consider before purchase. Certain bedding materials may necessitate the use of special handling equipment during removal. You may require a higher rotational frequency if you prefer not to compose the soiled bedding.
You may need to vet the source of the bulk wood flake bedding for horse stalls. You may not wish to use shavings with toxic resins or mold on your stables. Research more about the company supplying the wooden flakes. Insist on knowing their source for their product material.
You may also need to inspect the quality of the shavings yourself before making a purchase. The appearance, smell, weight, and consistency of your chosen bulk wood flake bedding for horse stalls may help you make an informed decision regarding its potential use in your facility.
You may access different shaving sizes for your horses. Guardian avails the bulk wood flake bedding for horse stalls in gold-standard, premium pine, swift flake, and pine pellet beddings. You may need to decide the correct type of wood flakes for your barn.
You may also need to figure out how the bulk wood flake bedding will get to your barn. Inquire if the company provides delivery services for their products. If you have to pay for shipping, find out the total cost of getting the wood flakes to your farm.
The final consideration to make when picking the right bulk wood flake bedding for horse stalls is cost. The simple unit cost is not the only factor in making this decision, however. According to, while straw cubes and shavings can cost up to three times as much as their loose counterparts, the labor you save may justify the extra cost. You may need to set a budget for this purchase. Consider carefully how much you are willing to spend on your horses’ comfort and safety.
The most important thing is safety and health for your horses! Knowing what will work best in their environment is very important so they can be comfortable while living in their stalls. Wood flakes are a popular bedding option due to their high absorbency and ‘sift-ability’ properties. If you wish to order bulk wood flake bedding for horse stalls, call Guardian Horse bedding. Our products use the highest quality pine material and are closely monitored for quality and consistency.
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